Day 9



* To continue with the writing of a summary

* To practice Listening Comprehension

* To review and exercise the Present Perfect Tense


Listening 1

II. WRITING: Summaries

What is a summary?

It is a brief statement or account of the main points of something (a reading, a lecture, a presentation, etc.)

*A good summary condenses the original text.

*A good summary includes only the most important information, the main ideas in the original text.

*A good summary includes only what is in the original text. I does not include opinions or other information.

*A good summary is written in the writer´s own words.

*A good sumary is well-written (complete sentences, punctuation, connectors, etc.)


*Avoid the use of first person: I, we.

*Avoid giving your opinion.

*Avoid begining with: "The reading is about...", "I read..."  Begin with information from the text.

An example

III. SPEAKING: Two Truths, one Lie

1. Write three sentences. Two sentences will tell a truth about things done in your life. One sentence will tell a lie.


1. I have designed more than 10 blogs.

2. I have ridden a camel.

3. I have traveled to Rumania.

Write the sentences in the class chat.

2. The rest of the class will ask questions to determine which sentence represents a lie.

IV. GRAMMAR: Review the Present Perfect Tense

Here it is a list of verbs with their past participles forms.


Exercise: Write an account of your day using the Present Perfect Tense.

I have worked...

I have eaten...

V. Listening Comprehension: Listen to Amy Cuddy talking about how your body language may shape who you are.

Please listen to try to answer the following:

1. Why is body language/non-verbal language/ so important?

2. Power Dynamics/Power dominance

3. What is the meaning of the expression, fake it until you make it.

4. How does your body language shapes who you are?


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