Day 3
OBJECTIVES * Speaking in the present/Reporting a story * Understanding Common European Levels of Proficiency/Finding your CEF Level REMINDER : Writing Assignment 1: Writing a Personal Profile is due next Tuesday, October 5th, at 12 midnight. Your task is to write a description of yourself, personal and professional. You may include: personal information and Professional qualities, skills, experience, etc. The Profile should not be longer that one page, double space; you may include a photo. Any other decoration or pages should not be included. Evaluation Criteria: Content: 30%, Organization: 10%, Vocabulary: 25%, Grammar: 25%, Punctuation and capitalization: 10% SPEAKING a. Can you tell what this is? b. Reporting/telling a story Alma 1. Check your notes where you report what happens in the story. a. Are all verbs in the present tense? b. Are all verbs the specific verbs to describe...